The Adventures of Raffa The Cavapoo
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Raffa's Food Philosophy

Created on : 24-Aug-2021 by Raffa Dog

My mum only eats plant-based food now. She says, that on a number of levels, eating plant-based food is the only intelligent way to eat. She told me the reasons are,

  • not hurting animals (I can relate to this one)
  • human health and well-being (I figure if humans feel well and happy, they won't mistreat us animals)
  • the environment, (she means the planet)
  • climate change, (all the floods, heavy snow, storms, fires and stuff)
  • financial (not just her bank account - she says economies can't keep on growing forever!)

She has become stricter about what she eats in recent weeks and now, won't even politely eat dairy if she is out with friends or at a friend's house. She is a warrior!

But, Thing Is, I'm A Dog

I am a dog and that gave my mum a problem. She knows people are not carnivores. She even goes as far as to say people are not omnivores - she says they are herbivores.

But for me, being a dog, she had to give it some thought. I'm a carnivore, but I am also by design, a scavenger. I know, it's not very sophisticated is it, but my ancestors scavenged so that I could live!

Can Dogs Be Vegan?

Dogs are opportunistic scavengers and we can turn our tastes and digestive systems to food from different sources. My mum found out that it's perfectly OK to feed a dog vegan food. In fact there is well documented evidence that vegan dogs live longer, healthier lives! We just need a nutritious well-balanced diet.

So that's what my mum feeds me most of the time. I get meat sometimes, but only if we are in a hotel or if an animal drops dead in front of my mum in the supermarket.

I Do Eat Meat Sometimes

Joking aside, I do get a little meat occasionally, but please know I am super healthy and really do not need it. I have a ton of energy, my gnashers are clean and bright white, and my breath is like the fresh cool air in spring, on Mont Blanc.

My Poops

Also I would like to add, that when I go to the loo, my poops are beautiful! My mum says I have the best poops. I did suggest she put a picture of one of them here, but she said my readers might not appreciate it.

How My Mum Got Me To Go Mostly Plant-Based

I don't remember much about it as I was so young. But my mum tells me it was easy. When I was a puppy she introduced me to fruit which I now love to gobble. She also got me used to vegetables and now they make up the bulk of what I eat. For example, here is a video of me when I was little, chewing a carrot.
Me chewing a carrot

What's Not To Like?

Let's face it, I am a companion animal. I am a beloved family member living in my forever home. I'm important and people like my mum will always want dogs in their lives. But if we dogs are to survive the future, we must eat sustainably and have respect for the planet, other animals and their habitats.

We and you have to get away from eating other animals. You know it makes sense!

There are too many people and too many dogs for us all to continue breeding and killing farmed animals just to feed our large respective populations. I know - you have to overcome your bloodthirst! I'm a big, strong, ferocious dog so if I can do it, I am sure you can too.

Insect food might be an option but my mum says she's not munching on insects! She can't even bear to be in the same room as an insect so I'm sure she'd never deliberately put one in her mouth.

I'd give it a go though. But then I am a foodie - as you are about to discover in my next blog post.

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