The Adventures of Raffa The Cavapoo
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Raffa - Beauty Blogger

Created on : 21-Mar-2022 by Raffa Dog

If you know me, you'll know Raffa is not a scruffy dog. But due to my mum's extreme neglect (she blames it on having just moved house), I have recently gone downhill in the beauty routine department.

One morning I checked myself in the mirror and jumped backwards in shock. My hair was so long that I didn't recognise myself! You could have given me an electric guitar and a bandanna, and I wouldn't have looked out of place on stage with Black Sabbath.

Every time I went for a walk in the Scottish hills, I came back caked in mud. Mum had to bathe me twice every day. I love baths so after a walk, I usually head straight upstairs and jump in the tub to make sure she knows I'm up for it. But the mud would get stuck in my hair and each bath took so long I would get bored.

My mum's excuse was that she could not find a groomer. Everyone she phoned was booked up. The earliest appointment she could get was in June!!

Jill - The Dog Groomer

One day my mum was chatting to a man called Cliff. He seemed nice so I jumped on him and applied an onslaught of hugs and kisses. As my mum pulled me off his chest, she apologised for my behaviour (why!?), and for how I scruffy looked. She mentioned she could not find a groomer.

Cliff said, "don't worry - I know a groomer".

He told my mum about his friend Jill. And now I want to tell you about Jill. Jill is GREAT! She has a special salon in Dunoon, dedicated to beauty-conscious dogs like me!

Jill Braid outside Mukky Mutts - Dunoon
Jill and Raffa At Mukky Mutts - Dunoon

You can find out more about Jill and how to contact her on her Facebook page.

Jill's salon is like a doggy spa. She was kind and understanding and so gentle. She cut my hair to reveal my athletic body, sturdy legs and refined snout. I smelled super-duper fragrant too. Here are my before and after photos.

ungroomed dog
Before I went to Auntie Jill's salon.
Dog after grooming
After grooming with Auntie Jill. Attractive from all angles I think.

I bet you wish you could get a beauty treatment at Mukky Mutts. I'm definitely looking forward to my next one - I had better remind my mum to give Jill a call.

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