The Adventures of Raffa The Cavapoo
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Raffa's Arrival

Created on : 23-Apr-2021 by Raffa Dog

We live in the mountains in France in the Haute-Savoie. My mum insists we live in the south of France but I don't think geography is her strong point. Personally, I was born millions of miles away from here, in the deep, deep south, not far from Toulouse, in a tiny place near Saint-Élix-d'Astarac. It's in the Gers.

My new parents had to drive for many days to come and get me. When they turned up they looked exhausted. I wasn't sure who they were but they seemed kind enough. I decided to adopt them on the spot as they clearly needed someone to take care of them. So I got into the car, and started the long drive to my new home.

Me traveling in the car to the Alps, at 8 weeks of age

The Summer Was Hot!

It was June 2020 and it was very, very hot. My mum thought I might overheat, but she needn't have worried. I may have been only 8 weeks old, but I soon realised there was a hole in the car dashboard that blew a very welcome, icy cold wind. So for most of the journey, I had my head stuck in that.

My First Hotel

It was such a long drive that we all stayed overnight in a guest house. As I had only been on the Earth for 8 weeks, I'd never experienced a guest house. My mum said it was a good job we weren't in the UK as they don't normally let dogs into accommodation there, let alone puppies who are not house-trained.

But in France it turns out dogs like me have rights. I suspect it is something to do with liberté, égalité and fraternité.

Here is a photo my mum took of the maisons d'hôtes (that's French for guest house) that we stayed in.

This is the first hotel I stayed in. I was all over that garden. Lush!

Where Was Our Hotel?

This gorgeous place was located a few minutes drive from Saint-Cirq-Lapopie in Escamps. If you ever want to stay there yourself I can recommend it. The lady who runs it is one of those humans whose face naturally rests in a big wide toothy smile. She probably looks happy even when she is slightly miffed!

The result is she gives you the impression that she loves everyone and every dog. Works for me! This is her website.

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7 comments on “Raffa's Arrival”

  1. Lovely post Raffa. You're so lucky that your new Mum & Dad have adopted you. We look forward to your next post. Love Rogue & Mysti xx

    1. Rogue and Mysti
      Thank you for stopping by. When my mum and dad bring me to the UK, I will ask them if I can drop in at yours to meet you and if I'm lucky also maybe a dog bisuit and a bowl of Evian.


  2. I am so glad you adopted your mom and dad. You are right. They needed your care and direction!!!! Thank you so much for rescuing them.

  3. Hi Raffa, I am sure you have no regrets having accepted your new mum and dad. I love your little family ❣️❣️❣️

  4. Raffa you are very clever indeed. How do you make your photos change from black and white to colour when you touch them. I think you must be a magician

    1. On no Auntie Janet - that's not magic, it is just code! My mum and dad are coders and my mum says coding exercises the brain. So I got my dad to teach me how to get started and now I am a dog who blogs AND a dog who codes.

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