The Adventures of Raffa The Cavapoo
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Cake In The Afternoon

Created on : 12-May-2021 by Raffa Dog

Well, let me explain. I said cake in the afternoon, but I want you to be clear. I didn't get any cake! I asked of course, repeatedly. But despite doing some high-octane begging, no cake was forthcoming.

You see last Saturday, we had a visit from Aunty Céline and Uncle John, and also from my new Auntie Kim and Uncle David! When Auntie Céline heard about my first birthday she simply had to fit in a visit.

Auntie Céline is very, very busy because she is extremely important. A lot of people need to speak to her and ask her stuff about which only she knows the answers. This means she can only see me when she clears a special place in her calendar.

Snickers Cake ...

Auntie Céline bought the vegan cakes from Bluebell, a Scottish cakemaker who lives near us. I am such a cosmopolitan dog. I know about exotic places like Scotland. I digress. I am told the cakes were Snickers flavour. They smelled divine ...

I didn't get to eat any of my own birthday cake, because like all dogs, I am not allowed chocolate. But my mum also does not allow me to have sugar! She says my gnashers must remain pristine white and my breath must be at all times, super-duper fresh.

Mum inspecting my gnashers

My mum says my personal hygiene is of great importance. This is partly for my own self-worth, but mainly because I do such a lot of unsolicited kissing. This is the way I look at it. Born with a face like mine? People inevitably want a piece. I kiss first, ask questions later.

Snickers Cake By Bluebell

Bodhi Ninja

I paid special attention to my new Auntie Kim as I heard she has a cat called Bodhi Ninja. Hmmm.

Bodhi Ninja, by all accounts, despite being a very chilled-out cat, is not too eager to meet me. I imagine with a name like that, he is a peace-loving vegetarian who occasionally does Kung Fu. I could be wrong.

The cool cat, Bodhi Ninja

I will have to keep my distance until such time as Bodhi Ninja decides he is ready to see me.

To help him come to a decision, I made sure I hugged Auntie Kim up plenty so that when she got back home, her Bodhi Ninja would have received a nostril full of my rather lovely personal fragrance. My mum says I smell divine - so I figure it'll win him over.

My Birthday Present

Auntie Céline gave me a present! A little elephant called Dumbo. I love him! It made up for not getting any Snickers cake. Here I am chewing on poor old Dumbo because that is what he is for.

Me, Raffa - with Dumbo

I was very sorry it all had to end. I watched from the balcony as my Aunts and Uncles left me. I cried until they disappeared. Then I wagged my tail, kissed my mum and my dad, and got back to chewing on Dumbo.

Goodbye ... sob

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12 comments on “Cake In The Afternoon”

  1. Awww... Raffa, baby, we'll be back soon! In the meantime, look after Dumbo!
    Tata Céline

    1. Dear Auntie Judith - you didn't get an invite, because there weren't any! No-one got one as I didn't send any out. It was not an organised party as there was no dancing, no music and no candles on the cake I didn't get. No-one sung me happy birthday either! I may write to my MP.

      1. Absolutely, Raffa. No dancing or music!! I hope you got bone shaped biscuits! I sent your mum a picture of some dogs with party hats and blowers, but Covid (it's a nasty bug going round, but dogs, I think are safe 🙂 ) probably stopped your mum organising a party for you. BUT......this time next year, Rodney (It's a TV sitcom called only Fools and Horses. You're too young to know it) we hope we can help you celebrate in style xx

        1. You betcha Auntie Judith! I will be old enough to plan my own party next year and not have to rely on my mum. She is busy at the moment with her clients in far flung places, like Bogotá and Toronto and Los Angeles and Jupiter! She does not have a lot of time for me. I want her to play with me all day long but after 20 mins of playing she says things like "I've got to do this client work Raffa!". Sometimes she is up until 3:00am - I can't keep up with her! I have to go to bed at at 11:00pm or I am no good for playing with my toys the next day. So maybe you could help me organise my party next year?

          1. Of course, Raffa. If you ever fancy a little break to let your mum work, I am happy to hang out with you. We could go for a walk, and get up to lots of mischief! xx

  2. Raffa you’re such a hilarious young man and I love your style of writing. Keep it up xx

    1. Thank you Auntie Janet. You are most kind. My mum says it's important to have a creative outlet for all the thoughts that swish about in my head! I also like to let all my Aunties - including the ones I have never met - know what I am up to!

  3. Well Raffa - I see your Mum has taken her famous photography skills to another birthday party. She has graduated to mouths now, apparently. At my party I got noses ... well, mostly nostrils. I wanted to meet you in September, but your mum says I can't come. I have been vaccinated but who knows if we will have a vaccine resistant variant in the fall? There are a lot of stupid humans in this world, Raffa. You were fortunate enough to have selected smart ones, despite your Mum's atrocious picture taking while attending major life moments, but I digress ...
    Auntie Pamela

    1. Auntie Pamela - I would love you to come all the way across the big wide world to France and play with me. I know about the human pandemic as they keep talking about it on the radio. It hasn't stopped me getting my walks and my breakfast and my dinners and my biscuits. But it has stopped me meeting my special Auntie from Boston. I have heard so much about you, like how much you like to party, how you can imitate Robert de Niro in "Analyse This" and how much my mum ruined your birthday photographs. She says she didn't realise she was taking photos of everyone's nostrils. Maybe next time, give me the camera?

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