The Adventures of Raffa The Cavapoo
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A Day In Annecy

Created on : 24-Aug-2021 by Raffa Dog

I haven't been able to write on my blog for a while as my mum has been too pre-occupied to help me. I do all the writing on my blog, but it's my mum who takes and edits the photos. I can't do it without her!

My mum is a worrier. She has been frazzled she says, due to all the changes that are coming our way. Don't ask me what these changes are! Despite having no clue about them, they are doing my head in by proxy! My mum has been acting strangely for months!

The Mysterious CDS

One of the things that has been bothering her was the long wait for something she called the CDS. Apparently, everyone else has their CDS, but she didn't have hers! I've done some research and discovered that CDS stands for Chapeau de Séjour.

You see, my parents are both British and this means they can't stay in France until they each get a Chapeau de Séjour. As far as I can work out, it's a special hat that foreigners have to wear to make them look less like illegal immigrants. But I could be wrong.

Obviously - I don't need to wear a special hat because I'm French.

My mum eventually got an email to say she and my dad both had an appointment at 9:15am at the big government building in Annecy. It's where they give out the hats. We would have to leave very early in the morning to get there on time.

But the weather forecast said it would be very hot on the day of the appointment. Of course, my mum then flew into a panic. What would happen to me! She was sure they would not allow me in to watch the ceremonial awarding of the immigrant hat, so what could be done??!

She insisted she could not leave me at home as I'd be too stressed to be left for an entire day by myself, and she could not take me as I'd die if I had to wait for them in a baking hot car! But even if she left the car window open someone would surely steal me!!

Uncle Steve And Aunty Sarah To The Rescue

Uncle Steve who loves me very much, and Aunty Sarah, who loves me quite a lot, volunteered to come to Annecy with us. The plan was that they'd meet us outside the big government building at 9:00am, and then take me for a walk around Annecy's enormous turquoise lake while my mum and dad went in to face the officials.

Everything went according to plan. I was on my best behaviour with Uncle Steve and Aunty Sarah. It was the first time I'd seen the Lac d'Annecy. I could not believe how clear and blue the water was! Uncle Steve told it was made of melted snow, and is the cleanest lake in Europe! If you've not visited Annecy - you must put it on your list of places to see. It's the business!

We met my mum and dad an hour and a half later when their meeting was over. I was disappointed to see they came out empty-handed. Apparently their hats will arrive in the post within the next 2 months. All we can do now is wait!

Celebrating In Style

To celebrate we went for a boat ride on the lake. The man who owned all the boats was not keen to let my mum buy me a ticket as he said no dogs were allowed on his boats.

But my mum is used to dealing with discriminatory practices. She is also super-persuasive so she used her considerable wit and charisma to convince the boat man that I was no ordinary dog! Her charming use of French and her sparkling personality won him over.

At least that's what she thought. I was actually standing behind her bearing my gnashers in a silent but threatening growl. He got the message.

We got into a motor boat and Uncle Steve who has a lot of experience with boats, drove us around the lake for an hour.

Afterwards, we went to lunch au bord du lac. I had some chips and a drink. I am an extremely lucky dog. I live in the most beautiful part of the world and I have my mum, my dad and my fabulous uncles and aunts. What more could I ever wish for.

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11 comments on “A Day In Annecy”

  1. You are a very lucky dog having so many people who would do anything for you.
    I look forward to your next blog.
    Tell your mum she looks amazing. X

    1. Awww! Thank you Aunty Tracy! My mum says I will love you when I meet you because you love me already!! She told me about how she met you too - and how you were both laughing so much in class because the man fell in the hole!

    1. Aunty Davz! How Rock 'n Roll! I shall ask my mum to make me a Rockstar coat with sequins in preparation for seeing you next time I am in London! I don't know when the will be, by the way, as Raffa not sure where London is.

      1. Well L-cutess, I will absolutely look forward to you coming to London and taking you round the great parks and gardens. Don't worry about not knowing where it is as Daddy sure does and so really does Mum

        See you soon

  2. You lovely boy! I'm so glad your Mummy found such a good solution for the day, and that you had a brilliant outing 😁. What a fantastic boat trip! My tortoises have a babysitter when I go out, but they'd much rather come with me (not on boats though, they can't swim 😬!). Can't wait to read about your next adventure...

    1. Dear Aunty Nadia
      I hope you don't mind me calling you Aunty ... I have never met a tortoise. My mum says they walk around with a built-in kennel on their backs! She told me you also live in a beautiful area so I hoping that one day, if I am allowed to visit you, you'll take me for a walk!

  3. How disappointing that your mum and dad didn't get their hats awarded to them! I bet you were expecting something like Harry Potter when he got his hat. Could they choose the hat? A beret maybe?

    1. Aunty Judith - I think they have to take whatever hat they are given, and then wear it every day for 5 years!

      1. Do they get a spare one in case they lose it, or when it needs a wash? Sounds horrendous! I hope I don't have to wear a hat to stay here x

        1. They don't have their main hat yet - let alone a spare one! But I know that they put my blankets into the person they call the washing machine in the basement and they tell it to do a quick wash. I hope you don't have to wear a hat too Aunty Judith! I also hope I haven't go this all wrong! I am going only on what I hear!!!

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