The Adventures of Raffa The Cavapoo
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Scary Stuff!

Created on : 30-Aug-2021 by Raffa Dog

I loves adventure, and I adore the mountains. You can see me here, being intrepid, doing a spot of rock climbing.

Rock-climbing a vertical rock without crampons - just my paws

But while I am generally fearless, there are times when I am scared witless and have to take cover.

On my home page it says I am a big brave dog, but I've realised that I'm not big and occasionally, I'm not brave! The truth is that certain people really scare me.

I Live With Lots Of People

I live with my mum and dad, and some other people. These others are often asleep, and spend most of their time hiding in dark places. There is one particular "other" I do not like at all. My mum calls him Henry. He is red-faced, wears a stupid, fixed grin, and has a long bendy neck. When he wakes up, he follows my mum everywhere making a ghastly asthmatic growl that is aggressive, desperate and clearly directed at me.

Of course I give as good as I get and he is under no illusion that we'll ever be friends. He is the worst but there are more.

There is a disembodied voice - a ghost - that lives in our house. My mum calls her Alexa. I literally cannot stand her. My mum is always asking her questions, and Alexa's stock answer is "Hmmm, I don't know that". Apparently my mum pays almost 10 euros a month for the privilege of this ghost's company. What a waste of euros when she can talk to me for free!

The Balcony From Hell

In our house we have a magic window that my parents look through in the evenings. Sometimes they will do this while having a drink of wine. I think this helps them deal with the carnage they are forced to witness.

On the other side of the the magic window, just outside our house, is our balcony. I figure that my parents had a magic window installed so that they could check what was going down on our balcony, in the dead of night.

Well, I can tell you, after sundown, some of the strangest things turn up there! People arguing and fighting, others inexplicably showing off their car insurance, monsters, spaceships, vast landscapes. It's unreal. It's like Piccadilly Circus on steroids!

I'm only a young dog, and in my short life, I've seen it all through that magic window. I've seen things a little dog like me should never see.

If I do not like what the magic window reveals, I bark to scare whoever it is off. It sometimes works. What are all these people doing on our balcony anyway? I've been half scared to death at some of the horrors.

Right Now - I Need Your Help

Because I want to minimise the chances of being terrified in the future, I'm going to make a list of all the things that scare me and leave it here on my blog.

Please read it so that I ever come to stay with you, you can maybe ask the people who live with you, who fit the descriptions below to temporarily leave your house. Or, at the very least promise to stay in their hiding places for the duration of my visit.

If you also have a magic window, maybe you could arrange to have a nice friendly dog sit on the other side of it each evening.

Here is my list of scary people who hide in the shadows and terrifying balcony dwellers.

  • Ironing boards
  • Alexa
  • Mops in buckets
  • Vacuum cleaners
  • Electronic cables
  • Aliens
  • Horses
  • Big men who hit other people
  • Big dogs who want to eat me

Please let it be known that I am not scared of thunder, lightening, fireworks, perilous mountain ledges, or bears.

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4 comments on “Scary Stuff!”

  1. Raffa. You are such a clever little dog and I totally understand your fears. Hopefully you will grow out of them. I did. When I was only a little girl I was scared of monsters under the bed and creatures in the curtains. I sometimes had a nightmare and the same one would happen quite often. I would often wake up sitting on my dads knee and that made me feel safe. Maybe your mum and dad would let you sit on their knees. I hope it helps. Beautiful bises 😽

    1. Aunty Janet!! I am so sorry to hear you had to deal with monsters too! I forgot to mention the ones in the curtains. You are right - these pesky fiends - they love hiding in curtains! Thank you for your advice. Only last might my dad had to save me from a ferocious dog who wanted to eat me whole!

  2. Aaah. L'cutess don't worry. I'll hide all my domestic horrors should you come to visit.

    I have a good size garden for you to run around in too

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