The Adventures of Raffa The Cavapoo
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Raffa Going Abroad?

Created on : 30-Oct-2021 by Raffa Dog

I overheard a conversation today that suggested I might be going abroad. Going abroad means going to another country! I found out while we were in the veterinary surgery. But first let me tell you why I was at the surgery.

My Personal Space

Raffa does not like seeing the vet. Every time I go there, they investigate my private places. Sure enough, it happened again today. The vet put two gloved fingers up my bottom and squeezed!

I wouldn't mind but there is nothing wrong with my bottom. I check it myself every day.

Me on the vet's table - waiting while she went off to put on her gloves!

Today, I tried not to react. I remained calm, as if two enormous fingers were not about to be inserted inside my bottom! In reality, it was eye-watering. I should have been given a medal.

My mum feeds me lots of fruit and vegetables so I get all my roughage. Someone should tell the vet about my diet to stop her worrying so much.

The good news is that the veterinary nurse cuddled me for at least 10 minutes so I wrapped my paws around her neck and kissed her up. I think it made her day.

But, interesting as all this was, it isn't what I wanted to talk to you about.

An Unexpected Voyage

While we were at the surgery I heard my mum ask the vet about my traveling arrangements. She wanted to know if I needed anything other than my Pet Passport to get to the UK!

The UK? What on earth do I want to go there for? It's thousands of miles away and where they recently voted for something annoying beginning with B. I know the B thing is upsetting for some humans as my parents and all my aunties and uncles have had to do lots of things to get around it!

My mum showed my passport to the vet and the vet announced it was all OK for my trip!

The cover of my passport
Inside my passport

But the UK sounds very unwelcoming. I've heard that they don't let Raffa dogs into restaurants. In my native France I can go into almost any restaurant with my parents, aunties and uncles. I've been to loads including posh ones.

We were at a lovely restaurant in Annecy only last weekend with my Auntie Sarah and Uncle Steve and we're going to another restaurant tomorrow in Morzine with my Aunty Céline and Uncle John. My social life is quite busy. If I go to the UK my mum and dad will have to leave me behind when they go out. What kind of life is that for a Raffa dog?

In France I often get something to eat when I'm out in a restaurant and everyone makes a fuss of me. Strangers approach my parents to tell them that I am "trop mignon"! By the way, that is French for "drop dead gorgeous".

When In Doubt - Ask Google

At first I thought we might be going on holiday to the UK. But now I think it might be a one way trip! My mum keeps saying ominous things like "your life is going to change drastically soon", and "I'll have to get you a tartan outfit".

What the heck is tartan? And what would I look like in it? No-one would tell me, so I googled it, and a photo of an actual French dog came up! My mum cannot be serious!

A French dog in a tartan outfit!

If you want to advise Raffa, tell me if I should go out in public dressed like this. I suppose Scottish dogs do it all the time.

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10 comments on “Raffa Going Abroad?”

  1. Haha! This is so amazingly adorable! Raffa you are definitely trop mignon and you'll look very posh in your tartan outfit. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful mummy and daddy that take care of you so well!! I hope to meet you one day soon. Love your Aunty Debi!! ❤❤❤

    1. So basically Aunty Debi, you are recommending that I fully embrace my Scottish heritage? My dad is Scottish as you know, and I know you too have Scottish blood. When you come to Scotland to visit us, will you also wear a tartan outfit to keep me company? It'll probably help us blend in.

      1. You are so cute and funny dear Raffa! Can you please send me a photo of what I would look like in the tartan outfit? I would be excited to be in your company anyway! I embrace my Scottish blood and I'm sure you do too! Love your Aunty Debi

        1. I am no good at Photoshop Aunty Debi. I would have to ask my mum to do it because she can do a bit of Photoshop. We are about to go out to lunch in Morzine (to a restaurant where I am very popular). Last time I was there I stole some sweeties out of my Aunty Celine's handbag so I got told off. I am going to try to be better today, but honestly I can't resist a little bit of stealing. Well they call it stealing - me, I am a Marxist. All property is theft!

  2. Don’t you worry Raffa, Scotland is so beautiful, you’ll love it there - but you'll have to enjoy some chilly weather! You'll probably meet some wee canny lassies (pardon the pun) over there !!

    1. Aunty Angela!
      You are so clever - lassies - LOL - I could not stop laughing ... lassies. Tee$hee <--- my mum said you invented that.

    1. Aunty Sarah - thank you for pointing this out! But you know these things because you too have Scottish heritage! I asked my dad and he said he'd get me a sporran to match his own. He says I can keep my dog biscuits in it.

  3. Dear Raffa. I think you know My Nana. She’s called Janet and lives somewhere in France although I don’t know where because I’ve never been. She sent me your blog to read and I think it’s very interesting especially the bit about the passport. You see I haven’t got one so I can’t go France to see my nana but I have been to Scotland because my dad’s Scottish. My name’s Ellie by the way and I’m a miniature schnauzer. Anyway Scotland is really nice but the people talk really funny and are hard to understand. You’ll fit in well in your tartan kilt I think you’ll like living there and because you havé a passport you’ll be able to pop back to france to visit your aunties whenever you feel like it. I have a baby brother now called Marlo. He’s such a nuisance and wants to play fight all the time. To stop myself biting him I have to sink my teeth into something else like the sofa or a cushion. I wish I could get the ferry and go to France to see nana for a change. Keep up the blog. Some of it makes me laugh quite a lot . Ellie Mckenzie aged 5

    1. Dear Ellie

      I am so sorry to hear that you do not have a passport. My mum says that although I am French through and through, I come from an international, cosmopolitan family and not having a passport is out of the question for me. I got one as soon as I was old enough.

      It is very important that you visit your Nana Janet in France. I went to your nana Janet's house once when I was still a little puppy and your granddad Larry took me for a long walk and an obedience lesson.

      Your nana Janet is very famous in our part of France. She is the number one best mountain climber (apart from my dad of course - my dad is really good and takes me up really high mountains all the time). But your nana Janet is a mountain climbing ninja!

      I think you should give up cushion biting, and instead concentrate on finding your mum's passport and biting that. If you put lots of gnasher marks on it and chew it until it is soggy, she'll get the message and take you to the vet! They'll stick a needle into your bottom and give you a passport! I expect your passport will be a strong and independent shade of navy blue because my mum says that is what the fuss was all about.

      Yes, I do have to go and live in Scotland. I would like to come back to France every month and climb mountains, but Scotland is so far away ... I won't be able to make it on my own. I don't think Scottish mountains are as big as the ones I am used to and I am not sure there are any near my new house! But Raffa has to be brave. Raffa has to learn to love small mountains.

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