The Adventures of Raffa The Cavapoo
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Raffa Dog International

Created on : 21-Mar-2022 by Raffa Dog

Raffa has been very busy. Me and my parents left the French Alps and drove all the way to my dad's native country of Scotland! It turns out that my mum sold our house in France to some people from Burgundy. No-one told me!

But before we left my parents held a big vegetarian roast lunch party. The food was great. Look!

Vegetarian roast lunch
Mushroom pie vegetarian roast lunch - at my mum and dad's goodbye Alps party

At the end, my Auntie Celine and my Aunty Gill stood up and made speeches about how much they loved my mum and dad. Doh! I should have known something was up.

My mum says the French Alps are one of the most beautiful places in the world, and we were privileged to live there, but she'd had enough of them. She said that snow is great when you do not have to fight your way through it every day in the winter.

Personally, Raffa likes snow but then I only had a tiny balcony to play on. My mum said I needed a garden, whatever one of those is.

When we arrived in Scotland we moved into our new home. To get there - I could not believe it - you have to take a ride across the sea in a big red ferry boat!!! I mean, how exciting is that?

View of our new home town from the ferry
On the ferry going home.

I get to travel on the big ferry boat for free but my parents have to pay loads of money. It doesn't seem fair, but life is much simpler when you're a Raffa.

Our house is by the sea and when my mum is working I like to sit on my bean bag and look out of the window. I've seen some weird stuff out of that window. Speedboats, aircraft carriers, container ships, submarines and of course, I keep an eye on the big red ferry boats. It's all go here.

Dog looking out of window at the sea
I look out of the window when I'm not out walking

My Walks In Scotland

I go for lot of walks - so many that my mum calls me her personal trainer. As she is my mum, I don't charge her, but I've heard that personal trainers can get up to 60 euros per hour!!

I've got some photos of some of the places near our house where I take my mum walking. The sniffing opportunities are many but she never wants to do any sniffing. Maybe you will? I urge you to come and do some sniffing with me. Check my photos out!

Dog with man in silhouette
Me with my dad up at Bishop's Glen reservoir
scottish hills
One of the views from my walks at Benmore
This castle can sleep 127 people and is used for educational courses.
Another view of the castle at Benmore
Cavapoo on mossy background
Me showing one of my good sides

If you like my photos please write me a comment so I know you are there.

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24 comments on “Raffa Dog International”

  1. Hi Raffa, thanks for the update and the beautiful pictures! We miss you and your parents, hope to catch up soon X

    1. I miss you too Aunty Christine. And I also miss the girls, Roland and Léon. You are all welcome any time.

  2. Hi My name is Raymundo.Your mum probably told you about that big athletic Yorkie from Spain. I have 2 dad's and one of them is the dad of the other. Yeah, pretty weird stuff my Poodle friend Henry calls it incest. Young dad Vincent takes me for long walks on the Paseo Maratimo, but the best bit is when he let's me loose on the sand ar Doggy Beach. I do my launch control 0-30 in just 3 secs then my muscles run out of power and I stop and do intermittent fast maniacle walking I to which I build much sniffing.
    You are invited to visit me for a week during your summer holidays or Olidays. as you French say. Love Raymundo.

    1. Dear Raymundo
      I'd love to visit you in Spain as my mum tells me that you live near a big sandy beach and that you drink coffee every afternoon and that you are close friends with a couple of pigeons. Is this true?? Do you play football? I do!

  3. Tu as beaucoup de chance mon petit Raffa de voyager
    Le paysage est très joli.
    Je t'aime beaucoup Raffa et je te fais plein de caresses

    1. Ma chère tante Marie-Claude
      Je te verrai cet été, c'est sûr. Maman a dit que nous viendrons te rendre visite parce que tous nos déménagements difficiles sont terminés! Je suis heureux que mes photos te plaisent. Tu me manques et j'ai hâte de renifler dans ton jardin. Bisous - ton petit Raffa.

  4. What a lucky dog you are Raffa!! What fabulous place you have found yourself. Awesome views from your beanbag. Xxx

    1. Do you really think so Auntie Susie? My views are great but I happen to know you and Domino have the probably the best views in the universe from your house.

  5. Now you are making me jealous Raffa. You're an International Traveller! I'm looking forward to visiting you, your Mum and Dad soon in Scotland. Glad you don't charge for personal training 🙂

    1. I know you can walk up all the hills with me Auntie Davz. You're super fit and can keep up with me. I can't wait for you to come. Mum bought a new bed and it's waiting for you. She told me I'm not allowed on it!

  6. I love your story, Raffa. Such exciting times you are living in, and now mummy and daddy have another home in France I believe? Can’t wait to hear what you think of that!

    Keep up the blogs, please.
    Love you.
    Auntie Alicia.

    1. Auntie Alicia - I am so glad to hear from you and want to thank you for encouraging me to write. Regarding the blogging, Raffa is "finding his voice". I found my bark quite early on, but finding my voice seems to me to be all about hitting the keys on a keyboard in exactly the right order. Home in France? I have not heard anything! I will go and sniff for clues!

  7. Well Raffa, you are a very lucky dog. One day maybe you can make friends with Bella and you can both go on lovely long walks together.

    1. My mum says you are coming with Bella to visit us in Scotland so I will have someone to go sniffing with. Best news I've had all day!!

  8. Hi Raffia,
    You're living the life my friend!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful scenery and wonderful experiences!

    1. Hi Auntie Dannette! I love to hear from my American aunties. It makes me feel even more like an international dog. I will show you more beautiful Scottish scenery as soon as I can get my mum take me to new places. She likes to go to supermarkets and I don't think you want to see photos of those!

  9. Oh Raffa- you devilishly handsome boy. What fun adventures you've had. You are surely going to miss the Alps, but now that you have a home on the ocean, maybe mum will let you have a swim. Mum bought another house, which may be haunted, so you are going to have to be the man of the house. Daddy will be in Scotland, primarily.
    I hope to meet you in September but many things need to happen for that to be possible.
    Auntie Pamela

    1. Auntie Pamela! I must be the French doggy with the most American aunties in the whole wide world. You are also my second auntie to mention a mysterious house in France. Now you're telling me that it's haunted??!!!??? Must be why my mum has been keeping it a secret. Fortunately for her, during lockdown I took an online course in exorcism. She can leave the ghosts to me! I learned that all I have to do is run at the ghosts really fast, while bearing my teeth and growling to the tune of "I will Survive". Scares them witless ... apparently. Please Auntie Pamela - come and help me with the ghosts! Raffa scared.

  10. Hi Raffa, looks like your having a great time with lots of exciting things to see . You can definitely keep an eye on things. A room with a view for sure.!
    How’s the wild life?
    Don’t think we’ll get to see you for a while you are so far north. We always head To West Country Whenever my Mum and Dad travel across that bit of water I get to sleep in the car and after a nine hour drive it’s good to have a peaceful moment before heading down to the south west to see my three little family pals who love to fuss and play with me and gamble in the sea and rock pools. Buts also another big drive. Still It’s also such fun to chase the sea gulls and dash into the sea to greet the littlies on their surf boards. We spend a good month there and visit lots of other friends and family before returning to our home in the mountains.
    Maybe we’ll meet up again when you return to France and we travel up to cross that bit of water.
    Bises for now. And Enjoy your new lifestyle with all those new smells and walks - looks great.

    Gigi dog!!

    1. Oh Gigi Dog

      I asked my mum where the "West Country" is, and she said that in the old days, before I was born she and my dad used to live in the "West Country" and that is how she knows your mum, my Auntie Gill! My mum also explained how very far away the "West Country" is from the our house. But she said that there may be hope as one day we might meet in France. I hope I get to meet you again Gigi Dog as my mum says you are drop dead beautiful! Last time I saw you I was just a puppy and too young to appreciate your fine snout!

  11. Oh, Raffa Dog, how delightfully you write! Thank you for sharing your latest adventures and enjoy that bean bag sitting: you have the best view from that wonderful window! MWAH from Chicago!!

  12. Wow Raffa what a beautiful place you are living in, so much to see and do - it looks like doggy heaven. Have you made any friends there while you’ve been exploring? I’m looking forward to hearing more about your adventures…. the submarine you saw sounds interesting!

    1. Auntie Stephanie

      How wonderful to hear from you! I hope you thought I was a good dog when I stayed with you. I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your message. I've been having trouble getting to my keyboard in the last few weeks with all the moving!

      I was getting used to Scotland and all those lochs and glens and stuff, when my mum told me we were were heading to France again!! I couldn't believe it. I mean what are my parents on??! It's a good job I don't attend school or my education would be disrupted. Fortunately I am self-taught, mostly using the Googles.

      Anyway - I am here now in France and my mum says we live up the road from you Auntie Stephanie! That is good news as it wouldn't be fun to start my life in a new place with absolutely no local aunties.


      PS - My mum will explain about the submarines. They float past our house all the time. I used to bark at them but now I don't even lift a paw to stifle the yawn.

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